Let's make a covenant to stay in this time of space,
a place where your smile is true and genuine,
Unending and relentless,
where this moment will never end.
Come stay here with me at eternity's end.
Tomorrow is far away and uncertain,
why should we put our faith in the uncertainty of tomorrow
Or the gifts she promised, to come, with the rising sun.
Steal this moment with me and sacrifice what plans tomorrow is promised to us.
Lets leave for this moment
Celebrate it with no rings or feasts
nor celebrations,
But unsanctified love in the eyes of the unknowing,
declared upon us by none other than our own divine selves.
this is the space were my mind's thoughts condense.where my ideas become scripted words,where emotions are sculpted into words.an exploration of a troubled mind,seeking the joys that life brings,hoping to share my joys and sorrows with the world that's listening.